Over Christmas break, I finally sat down to start writing my next book, Chorus in the Storm. This marks my return to writing after a year…
As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve been hard at work on my board game, Iron Wilds. Creating illustrations for the game, mostly of…
As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve been playtesting my board game, Iron Wilds–a game set in the same world of my novel, Angel…
The Writing Hiatus is Over! I’m thrilled to announce that my year-long break from writing is officially over! (I’ll explain why I went on hiatus…
As I’ve mentioned before, my writing has been on a bit of a hiatus. But that doesn’t mean my creative gears have stopped working. To…
The year started off with publishing my novel Angel from the Rust. And from there I went headlong into writing the sequel. I finished the…
In a short story I will never write, there is a character–a Pulitzer Prize winning author–who writes a depressing letter to a friend. In his…